GC2 Ministries

Q. What are the re- entry requirements to return to the states?
A. No covid test is required to return to the US.
Q. What are the entry requirements for Costa Rica in regards to Covid?
A.Great news! Costa Rica has ended all Covid-related restrictions.
So what exactly does this mean for international travelers?
#1 You don’t need to be vaccinated to visit Costa Rica.
#2 There are no special forms you will need to fill out before arriving to Costa Rica. Just bring your passport and you’re all set.
#3 No mask mandate anywhere in Costa Rica.
#4 No Covid vaccine or Negative test are required for entry into Costa Rica.
#5 No health insurance is required for entry into Costa Rica.
Note: Although Costa Rica does not require insurance for entry, as of 2022, GC2 ministries is requiring team insurance for all teams.
This is the company and agent recommended:
Adam Bates
Vice President
Insurance Services of America
800 647-4589
480 821-9052
866 793-4779 (fax)
Email: Adam@MissionaryHealth.net
One of our teams only paid a total of $215 for twelve team members for eight days and it included full COVID coverage. Adam can be emailed (include dates of trip and team members names and ages) and he'll send a quote. Call him to make a credit card payment and he'll send all of the required paperwork and cards usually within 24 hours.
Q. What happens if someone from our team tests positive for COVID?
A. If the infected person is a minor, the parents/ guardian will be contacted and then given the option for the minor to quarantine with the missionary until a negative COVID test can be taken. It is recommended that an adult leader from the team also stay with the minor. The minor will have access to the internet so that they can maintain contact with their parents/ guardian.
Adults will be given the same option. In the case that their condition worsens,
the option will be given to be admitted to Hospital Clinica Biblica in San Jose. This is a private hospital and is comparable if not better than many hospitals in the US. https://www.clinicabiblica.com/en/
In both cases, the missionary will coordinate the follow up COVID test and airport drop off.
Q. If a student tests positive and they stay at the missionary's house, could
their parent fly down and stay with them.
A. Yes, no problem.